Tanzania: Suspicious death of human rights defender and HIV/AIDS activist Mr Maurice Mjomba

On 30 July 2012, human rights defender Mr Maurice Mjomba was found dead in his
home in Dar es Salaam in suspicious circumstances.

Maurice Mjomba worked as a human rights defender with the Center for Human
Rights Promotion (CHRP), and he was also involved with several regional human
rights initiatives.

As a training coordinator at CHRP, Maurice Mjomba's work generally focused on
combating discrimination against people infected with HIV and AIDS and on
providing support to intra-venous drug users. He was also affiliated with
various regional coalitions dealing with sexual health awareness for sexual

Maurice Mjomba's body was found when neighbours detected a strong odour coming
from his home, and upon finding his house locked, they called the police. The
body showed signs of beating and strangulation, suggesting that he might have
been murdered. He had last been seen on Friday, 27 July. An autopsy is to be
carried out on 31 July in order to determine the cause of death.

Front Line Defenders offers its sincere condolences to the family and friends
of Maurice Mjomba and urges the Tanzanian authorities to carry out an impartial
and effective investigation into his death.

Fonte: https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/node/19150
Pubblicato da Lorenzo Bernini